Explore the vast amount of deep-rooted history that lies in Logan County's historic downtowns. If the roads and buildings could speak, they would tell tales of the past hidden deep within. We are thankful that pieces of the past still are evident in buildings adorning the streets and squares throughout the historic downtowns in Logan County. So take the time to stroll the streets to listen and learn from the voices of the past.
Downtown Atlanta - Arch Street and Race Street
Downtown Elkhart - Governor Oglesby Street
Downtown Lincoln - Historic Square in the Logan County seat: Kickapoo Street, Pulaski Street, McLean Street, Broadway Street. Also check out the surrounding streets of Sangamon, Pekin, Chicago, and Delavan.
Downtown Mt. Pulaski - Historic Square in Logan County consisting of Lafayette Street, E. Cooke St., E. Jefferson St., and S. Washington St.
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